Monday, May 09, 2005

a lungful of burning ash pt. 2

Sat - woke up an hour earlier than yesterday, brekky, another walk to a landmark, this time the National Gallery, saw average womans exhibition (cant remember the name), was fucking blown away by James Gleeson (surrealist) exhibition and stood like a dick in front of many big wonderful paintings i couldnt possibly concieve myself...decided i want a big surrealist piece of art eventually (also favour sculpture above painting, but surrealisim is now a very close second), stared at one series of paintings for ages....cant remember what it was titled but was about the two dudes who makes wings and fly then one flys close to the sun and falls and dies etc., went about the gallery trying to find cafe (in pink and lime elevators), walked back to accomodation, bussed to AIS, (boring as fuck) toured the place, waited ages for Brumbies vs Chiefs game (rugby union), got inside, teacher and co picked fuck-knuckle seats so i went up and sat in the good one, yelled myself hoarse insulting the referee, went back to accom., more cigs on roof, table tennis with tyson, bed etc.

Sun - up early, couldnt be fucked showering, brekky, packed, taxi to airport, flight home (cheers to the flight attendants with a sense of humor) and drive home with mum.

alltogether a fun experience with little educational hassles given it was an educational trip. thanks to all, particularly tom for the experience on fri. night.

canberra is also a very aesthetically picturesque city. i highly reccomend it to all pensioners for their last days, trust me, you'll die happy (but cold).


At 10/5/05 12:20 AM, Blogger Hector Drone said...

dave dave dave...
u should pay more attention to your history classes.
You are obviously referring to the Icarus myth, who glued his wings with candle material so when he thought he was invincible and could fly close to the seun, the sun caused the candle stick to melt and... that must have hurt!!!
:-) Greek mythology, part I [more to follow]. Of course there is a moral to this story, because his father has warned him not to... but anyway, let's all listen to Icarus Line instead :-)
Your memoirs were excellent reading material, epsecially the first part. i recommend you give a try at The Rules Of Attraction, a great novel by the guy [Brett Easton Ellis] who also wrote Less Than Zero, Glamourama and American Psycho. You will adore it... And go get the movie afterwards...
Sounds like educational alright to me...
And it was actually educational for me as well, as I though Sydney was the capital...
Oh, and check Alex Garland's The Beach. Mediocre movie, great book!!!

At 10/5/05 7:04 PM, Blogger Hector Drone said...

Ok, thanx for the info Berna...
i thought you all do ancient history in high school and then have the option to chose directions.
But just because I don't want to be misunderstood, I didn't mean to imply that Dave is a bad student or anything. I was trying to be... erm... *coughs and looks around just in case someone will listen to him whispering* ... funny. Maybe... A little. Kind of...


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