Sunday, May 08, 2005

a lungful of burning ash pt 1

first of all, a bit shout out to Tom, who made this post and the Canberra trip worth doing.

To put it shortish:

Thurs - school in morning, left morning tea to pack, airport an hour early (cautiously drank a coffee made by woman with man voice and more than enough man facial hair), flight to Can., cab to backpackers, Chinese (wicked sezchuan king prawn and crab meat laksa) and some cigs on the roof with Tom, bed.

Fri - eight am start, walk to exhibit thing near lake burleigh-griffin (random shit + sweet laser guide of layout of canberra), New Parliament house to see the various stuff (incl paintings of PM's, like the Gough Whitlam one just cos it's different), Old Parliament house, High Court (boring as fuck but hey, it's Mabo, it's...the vibe) and expensive lunch, walked back the length of the Canberra main drag to get to the War Memorial (6ks ish). found some info on Grandad who was in the 2/14th aus infantry, 6th transport cor. he served in north africa and PNG (kokoda included fuckers) - very much proud of him, he never talked about it though, understandably.,
back to accomodation, given 'free time' til 10:30, walked to random dealer's place next to bowls club, got some ganja and called hot by random 15 yr old, went to Max's house, had some cones and watched max mix up 'At the Basement' - screwed one up and got lungful of burining ash(not fucking cool by a long shot) got better had 3 more was gone, ate potful of pasta, got cab arrived at 10:30 on the dot, went to bed, accused by Emma Schier of being 'not ok' and 'drug addled', precieded to freak her the fuck out and couldnt stay still til 12. collapsed asleep.

saturday and sunday to come good people. stay tuned :)

hope you all stayed well whilst i was off having fun.


At 9/5/05 5:45 PM, Blogger Hector Drone said...


At 9/5/05 9:04 PM, Blogger Dave said...

and that's sposed to mean what? :)


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