Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Father Bob rocks

I sometimes come home fairly late from a close shift at McD's and inveriably end up listening to the radio on the way home. Last Sunday i was fortunate enough to catch the tail-end of a program on Triple J called sunday night Safran - It's mostly a commentary on religion and current affairs.

Anyway, John Safran did a few doco series, one of which was called John Safran vs God and was fucking funny - he did a test-run of all the popular and wierd religions and some stupid shit here and there - getting an excorcism, removing the curse from the Australian soccer team in zimbabwe etc. anyway, when he got onto cathlocism, he met up with a priest called Father Bob Maguire, who resides over a church in inner Sydney.

Point is, Father Bob is a regular guest on Sunday night Safran, which you can listen to here.

It's usually pretty funny with Safran taking the piss out of Father Bob most of the time, and father bob himself uses the same kind of humor as my grandad, who is a fucking champ.

enough of my fucking prattle, just listen to it ok?


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